250th Anniversary: reflections in memory of the landslide.

The giant landslide of Roccamontepiano, 24 June 1765

On 24 June 1765, the ancient village of Roccamontepiano, raised and developed around the original nucleus of "Castiglione" in the medieval time, was destroyed by an apocalyptic landslide, which dragged the entire village along the valley of the Alento river.


In the 250th anniversary of the tragic death of more than 500 inhabitants and of the total destruction of the village, the municipality of Roccamontepiano, the Caracciolini Friars, the associations and many citizens organize a three days event to remember, consider and discover what happened, what has been done over the years and which actions should be undertaken to prevent such catastrophes, like the one happened in the village.

Aggiornato il 09/07/2015 alle 17:05
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