The gullys

I calanchi

Water and clay are protagonists of the impressive natural shapes known as gullys. The valley of Alento is studded with these erosive shapes, veritable natural sculptures, and with the adjacent watercourses; some of them, among the most beautiful of the Region, are higher than 100 metres. 2000 years ago, they already existed in this area of Abruzzo, in the close municipalities of Bucchianico, Casalincontrada e Fara Filorum Petri. 

Here in Roccamontepiano, there are the following ones:

Colle Cerrone (the most stunning)






They originated because of the corrosive action of water and the previous deforestations. They are surrounded by an interesting vegetation of shrub-like species, such as the agropyron, the wild artichoke, the broom, the liquorice and so on. In the faun of the gullyfied area, there are birds like the whitethroat, the warbler and the rare melodious warbler. 

Aggiornato il 09/07/2015 alle 17:05
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